Forums - Favorite background? Show all 38 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Favorite background? ( Posted by TalbainEric on 04:19:2001 01:02 AM: In all the Capcom games I've played,the backgrounds are the things that catches my eye. Either the life in them or whatever. What are your guys' favorites? Here are mine: Cammy's SSF2 Turbo background Jon Talbain's Night Warriors background The carnival background in MvC2 Urien's SF3:3rd Strike background B.Jenet's background Dudley's SF3 background Elena's SF3:2I background Morrigan's CvS background(isn't is just too cool?) Nakoruru's CvS background (love the music,too. ) Demitri's Night Warrior's background Devilot's Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo background Hsien-Ko's Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo background Birdie's SFA2 background Karin's SFA3 background Pyslocke's Marvel Super Hereos background Falcon's Power Stone stage Gill's SF3:2nd Impact stage(just full of detail and totally cool ) There are MUCH more,but can't think right now. So,what are your guys' favorites? Posted by .Just*a*Kid. on 04:19:2001 01:13 AM: This isn't Capcom,but I was playing Samurai Showdown 2 last night,and the backrounds inthat are really cool. Especailly charlottes and Gen-An's. Posted by AKUMA2000 on 04:19:2001 01:30 AM: Akuma (SFA2) Ryu (SFA3) Ken (SF2) Adon (SFA3) Vega (SFA3) R.Mika (SFA3) Posted by maGe on 04:19:2001 01:31 AM: nakoruru's from cvs i DO like a lot, also the old skool guile SF2 stage Posted by Sekiria on 04:19:2001 01:44 AM: Guile's old school SF2 Stage Charlie's SFA2 Stage Cammy's SSF2 and SFA3 Stage (I like the BGMs in both) Morrigan's CvS BG Nakoruru's CvS BG (The music's a little quiet for me, though) Tower of Arrogance from Vampire Savior Vanity Paradise from Vampire Savior Deserted Chateau from Vampire Savior The Neo St. Petersburg stage from Marvel vs. Capcom Ruby Heart's airship stage from Marvel vs. Capcom 2 The Clock Tower stage from Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Guy's SFA2 and SFA3 BG (Final Fight kicks ass!) Rolento's SFA2 Stage (Nostalgic goodness of the Stage 4 Boss area in Final Fight...ahhh, those were the days ) That's all I can think of for now. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:19:2001 01:58 AM: I like Zangief's from Alpha 3, Akuma(A3), Gill(SF III:Third Strike), Captain America(MSH), Ryu(A2), Blackheart(MSH), Spiderman(MSH), the grass field(A2), the waterfall(A2), Cammy(SSF2), Fei Long(SSF2), Wolverine(MSH), and the streets/sewer(X-men vs. SF). Posted by RoseFan on 04:19:2001 02:34 AM: Hey: I love the original SF2 RYU stage on the sunset. What about SFA2 Zanguief stage, pretty cool the ssf2X & SFA3 Cammy stage rules. the shin bison stages rocks almost all the stages of samuray spirits rules! I love the SFA3 Rose Stage, but I`ll to keep with the SFA2. Akumas island stage both in sfa 2 & 3 are awesome. some of the stages of the crossover games(the marvels) are too cool. the Cody stage in sfa3 the sfa3 Ryu stage! Posted by BabiG on 04:19:2001 02:39 AM: I thought MSH and SFA2 had the best backgrounds. In MSH there was always a lot of stuff going on, and the art is real sharp and colorful. I just like the SFA2 art style, its colorful and just fits the game real well...after these two, I was dissapointed in the vs. series backgrounds... Oh, honerable mention goes to Spiral in COTA (First time I played I was thinking "Holy crap, its a bottomless level!"). Posted by Darklome on 04:19:2001 03:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by BabiG Oh, honerable mention goes to Spiral in COTA (First time I played I was thinking "Holy crap, its a bottomless level!"). [/B] I agree that level was the shit!!! Also I liked the Snowing Clock Tower Stage from MvC2 Not to mention the one that has a pink hue and the pillars pericing through the clouds it's in MvC2...I don't know what it's called but I'm trying to be as discriptive as I can theres alsolike a blossom tree and then the grip of clouds and red pillars going trough them...that place sure was pretty Posted by DarkZero on 04:19:2001 04:10 AM: I also thought that the backgrounds of MSH was the shit. The grassy field in A2. Bison's And Ryo's and Yuri Stage in CVS. Shin Bison, Karin, and Zangief in A3. Posted by HyperBomber on 04:19:2001 05:47 AM: Pretty much any stage from CvS is absolutely gorgeous and suberbly detailed, Nakoruru's, Akuma's, Bison's and Morrigan's standing out the most for me. SFAlpha 2:the best Alpha series backgrounds IMO. In particular Bison's waterfall and Rolento's elevator. SF3: some good, some not so good. Hugo's 2i stage pretty cool, Gill's NG stage very good, Yun/Yangs's NG shared stage also cool. 3rd Strike's best stage attributes were the stage music(Dudley's 3rd mix is KILLER!). Vs games: MSH the best stages by far. Wolvie's raft, Magneto's Avalon, Psylocke's train, Doom's inner sanctum, all incredible. Darkstalkers: I haven't played the series in so long my memory is fuddled. I can only remember the stages of te characters I played, namely J.T.(you're not the only one Eric ), Bishamon, Victor, Donovan and Jedah. Posted by Demroth on 04:19:2001 05:58 AM: I like the one in MvC 2 where you are on the iceburg. Posted by JL tha Infamos on 04:19:2001 06:11 AM: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: the nightmare carnival desert stage (night version) the bridge under the blood moon Dio's coffin room the high school nurses' office the jail the airplane SFA3: Dan's stage Bison's stage Cammy's stage Rose's stage Chun Li's stage Karin's stage Guile's stage CvS: Bison's stage (version that shows the fighting data) Geese's stage the car wreck the Sakazaki dojo construction site Morrigan's stage Nakoruru's stage Soul Calibur: Mitsurugi's stage (both versions) Astaroth's stage Yoshimitsu's stage Sophitia's stage Siegfried's stage Cervantes' stage X-men COTA: Spiral's stage Juggernaut's stage Colossus' stage thats it for now...whew! Posted by kaseijin on 04:19:2001 06:32 AM: SF2: E. Honda's stage, the Japanese baths. SSF2: Cammy's stage - even though it says it's England and you can't actually see the Northern Lights from England. SFA: Ryu/Guy's stages outside Sonson. SFA2: Rolento's stage, scrolling up to look out over New York in Round 2. SFA3: Gen's stage. SF3: Ryu's stage, with the cherry blossom. SF32I: Akuma's stage at Mt. Fuji. SF33S: Urien's stage. Posted by .Just*a*Kid. on 04:19:2001 06:44 AM: Fighting in Sakura's Backyard is really cool and funny (the kid playing video games),and goes really well with the nature of the character. I can't believe no-one mentioned it. Posted by kaseijin on 04:19:2001 07:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by .Just*a*Kid. Fighting in Sakura's Backyard is really cool and funny (the kid playing video games),and goes really well with the nature of the character. I can't believe no-one mentioned it. I agree with that, but I think Sakura changed the atmosphere of SF too much. I mean, when have school girls in sailor suits had anything to do with the martial arts? Posted by DUNOTS on 04:19:2001 08:18 AM: Let's see... Galaxy Fight has endless levels... That's wierd in a 2der. Any and all CvS stages... Swoon. Especially Stage of Sakazaki. I love Takuma, and I love that you can UTTERLY DESTROY the fruit of his many years of hard work in one short fight.... The Illusion in KoF 96... The Kagura stage in the same game... I think it REALLY says: this is a public, hyped event. The crowd stage from KoF 97. Same basic idea, more hectic. The Orochi background in 97. Man, that's smooth. It changes to the element of each character. I also liked how it got progressively more destroyed. The Duck King stage in RB2. Where's the "D"? The Omega Rugal stage in KoF 98. How... evil. The Neo-Hero team stage in KoF 99. The whole moving elevator bit was damn cool. The 2nd Krizalid Stage in 99. The big blast of energy rocked. The sideways stage in Darkstalkers 3. How interesting. -Forrest "That's enough for now" Walker Posted by [SoA] O.V.82 on 04:19:2001 10:01 AM: 1.Magneto(MSH) 2.Dr.Doom(MSH) 3.a lot in alpha3, I donīt remember any more... 4.the clown background(MvC2) 5.Aulbath(darkstalkers3) 6.RubyHearts aircraft background(MvC2) 7.Omega Red ("the Deep" in X-Men) Posted by chankalok on 04:19:2001 11:21 AM: fei long stage in ssf2t...... Posted by Servebot on 04:19:2001 02:58 PM: My favorite is Elena's in the first SF3,I think. The first round was on the bridge. Next the bridge broke and you continued the fight down the waterfall. Also I liked Ryu's SfA2 stage with the snow and remixed Ryu theme. Posted by TRuNK$ on 04:19:2001 03:35 PM: since u didn't say it had to be in SF i'm gonna say THE PIT from mortal kombat lol does ne one besides me still remember how to fight reptile at the bottom of the pit? Posted by Crusader on 04:19:2001 04:49 PM: Spiral's stage from xmen (falling, falling, falling!) and Shuma Gorath's stage from msh (no corners!) Posted by BloodRiotIori on 04:19:2001 05:44 PM: ALL old school ones, and sagat's sfex2 sunset stage Posted by llllllllll on 04:19:2001 06:11 PM: Favorite background? along with stages mentioned above, would like to nominate son s0n's stage on the dc version of mvc2. anyone know where i can find a pic of this background? appreciation for any help. oh and mage and demroth, like the avatars! ::thumbs up:: game 0n!